Our Impact


We set out with a dream of connecting with 4-8 families in the first year of the Piece of Hope. In our first 6 month of services God brought us 10 families who need the hope of special education support in their life as well as the love of Jesus and now just over 2 years into therapy we serve more than 35 families. We are beyond humbled and blessed to be able to build relationships and teach these families that God has put in our paths. 

Keep scrolling to see some of the specifics we are doing in our community and with our clients. Thank you for your prayers and continued financial support as well. 

The Vision

Provide quality services and show families hope for their children's future.  

Train new teachers to provide quality, one on one services using data driven processes. 

Educate professionals and public school teachers how to better support individuals with disabilities. 

Make our community more aware with awareness events and trainings. 


We measure our success in actual lives changed. These stories are a testament to the difference that hope and support can make.

Norlan is the smile to our day! 

We met Norlan when visiting a local public school to visit another student and his teachers expressed a desire to help him further. He was in preschool but didn't speak or play with other children. Paige cried leaving the school that day but all she could do was leave her number for the parents to contact her. 

We are so thankful that Norlan's father contacted us and Norlan has been learning ever since. He has made huge strides in his language, academic skills, and social skills. 

Norlan and his family have also gotten involved in a local small group bible study and church. 

Featured Story


At the age of four, Josúe could emit sounds but said no words. After 10 weeks of class in a one-on-one environment, Josúe could say approximately 20 words and recognized several numbers and letters. 
Update: 1 year after receiving individualized support Josúe is flourishing. This little boy talks non-stop now and constantly wants to play with peers, something he never did before. Josúe's parents have put him in the local public school, something they weren't sure would happen, and continue to push him to learn and grow everyday. 

Autism Awareness Day

We were able to educate over 300 students on what Autism is and how it effects an individuals daily life. The day included a sensory overload simulation, stories of some on the Autism spectrum, and an opportunity for the students to share how they felt those with Autism should be treated. 


Jonathon is a special little boy who brightens up the whole room when he walks in despite his significant speech delays. The really neat part about Jonathon's connection to the Piece of Hope is how building relationships has brought his family into the church. 

Please be in prayer about Jonathon's family continuing to seek out the Lord's will for their lives and becoming believers. 
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