
By 26 Mar, 2020
The Corona Virus is the main topic in all news, social media and most conversations right now. In Nicaragua we are usually behind the rest of the world by a few weeks and this is the case with COVID-19 as well. March 19, 2020 the first case of the Corona Virus was confirmed in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. We had been talking, praying and trying to plan what our plans of action would be when it did arrive, but now was the time. 

The thing about the Piece of hope is that most view it as a "school" but really its much more than that. It is a ministry, a place of hope, a place of help for many families. It's not something we can simply close for a few weeks, or we wouldn't be fulfilling our mission of reaching these families with the hope of the gospel. 

So what does quarantine look like at the piece of hope? Well, there is no face to face classes or hugs right now but there is no lack of communication, maybe even more now! Its so neat to see how God uses the "bad" for good! 

March 20, 2020 began our first day of all virtual connections which includes sending activities to each group of students based on their needs and goals but also devotionals to their parents from the Word of God. This has shown to be very powerful, parents have been responding so well. 

Students have also shown how much they love their teachers and their classes. In our daily Whatsapp messages (just like group messages) the students love to send audio messages on their parents cells phones saying good morning to their teachers and friends and even requesting to sing our normal beginning of class songs. 

I began doing some live readings of stories so the students could see a familiar face and be entertained with a story for a short while. I didn't know how much it would touch my heart when parents replied with photos and videos of their students laughing, smiling, and repeating words they have never said from the stories! Wow! Those are the things that touch your heart. 

As of today, March 26, the Corona Virus has hit relatively lightly here in Nicaragua but God has worked in huge ways already! We are praying that the virus remains contains but thankful for the opportunities that God has shown us about how to serve him in the unconventional ways. 

We are praying for the rest of the world and please keep us in your prayers as well as we try to reach more families with the Gospel of Jesus everyday. 

Adios, Paige. 
By 04 Sep, 2019
We are so blessed that the Piece of Hope has grown substantially in size in these 2 years and now God has opened a door for us to be able to grow even more! 

We have the opportunity to purchase a piece of land with a house on it that can serve many functions for us. 

The property includes space for classrooms, a kitchen, bathroom,  working water and electrical systems, and safety features including a concrete wall partially around the property as well as large outdoor areas to be able to have recreational activities and things such as a garden to be a able to supply vegetables for a small store.  

Our vision for what this property can provide for the Piece of Hope 

Day program for young adults 

We already have a group of 6 young adults (currently ages 16-27) who need to learn daily living skills, independence, and social skills. Our vision is to have a day program where these students and many more are in a social environment 3-5 days a week with activities including gardening and selling produce to benefit the ministry, learning how to live more independently by cooking and cleaning, learning valuable skills of making and selling things to support their own futures as well as well as continually teaching academics. 

More intensive structured class environment for students who simply don’t “fit” in the public-school system 

The public-school system in Nicaragua does not have a space for those who have severe needs and need one on one attention nor the ability to train professionals to help these students. We currently serve approximately 10 students who are not attending or not benefitting from the public-school system. With this new location, we could provide an intensive 5 day a week school setting for these students and many more with a mixture of small group and individual instruction including social skills and daily living skills. 

Community presence 

This location is in the middle of several communities and has constant foot traffic allowing us to show our communities the possibilities for individuals with special needs. One of the major goals of the Piece of Hope is to change the stigma from seeing those with special needs not having skills or purpose to one that sees these individuals with purpose and the right to have a fulfilled life! We want this location to be open to the community and one way we can do this is to have a store that sells basic needs and produce that our students have helped grow! We will also continue to provide community events to highlight our students and their God given characteristics and hearts. 

The need: $35,000 to purchase the property and minor maintenance.

This is a God sized need and we know only God can provide! If you feel it in your heart to help us achieve this huge goal and see this project become a reality you can click the "donate now" button at the bottom of the page. If you have ideas of how to help us fundraise please reach out by email ( 

By pieceofhopenica 14 May, 2018
In these 6 months we have been able to connect with and begin serving TEN precious families. God has put before us the opportunity to share with large groups of parents about disabilities twice, as well as have 2 awareness events for the entire population of students at the lighthouse Baptist school. We had an event for Down syndrome awareness day as well as Autism awareness day. This was the first time for many of the students to interact with individuals who have disabilities. God has placed several public school teachers and administrators in our path to collaborate with and begin relationships with. God has blown our expectations away with what the first 6 months of this program would be and we are so thankful for you making it happen!
By pieceofhopenica 03 Mar, 2018

Three weeks ago the sweet woman who started the Lighthouse Baptist School that I am partnered with called me and said, “ well I have a job for you ”. We had already discussed how I was starting a waiting list because there were just not enough hours in the day to adequately serve all of the kiddos and families who had come to me in the last few weeks-so I was a bit nervous when I got this call.

 Mrs. Karen proceeded to say “ we are accepting a new student into the school who has Autism, so now its time to do what you do .” Wow. My stomach turned with all kinds of emotion because this was something that I had planned for, but had not imagined it would happen this quickly! Well, Gods timing.

I proceeded to meet with the mother of this student (we will call him John for confidentiality) to learn about what Johns strengths and needs were to see the best way to integrate him into our school. We made plans for the next few weeks to get to know John better, and those went down the drain because all he was interested in was getting to his regular class. The best made plans can fail when dealing with Autism -something I should know by now! Ha!

The most difficult aspect of integrating John into our school was the cultural aspect-this is so beyond different for the culture of Nicaragua we knew we had to educate those who would be around John to make him have the best chance and experience possible. This meant educating the teachers, students, and their parents. So the next week I sat down with the students of John’s class, their parents (separately), and the every teacher in the school to explain what Autism is, what it is not, and some specific things they needed to know about John. At each of these meetings I was met initially with blank stares because they had never heard the word Autism or seen someone who had Autism in their lives-pretty different than in the states. But as our school psychologist, my partner teacher Nataly, and I continued to explain "J ohn is just like every other student in this school with extra difficulty communicating and expressing himself ” the blank stares turned more into accepting smiles and thoughtful questions.

In the meeting with parents ranging from preschool to high school, Johns mom graciously volunteered to explain how Autism effects her life daily including the struggles and joy it brings. There were teary eyes all over the packed room, including mine .

By pieceofhopenica 25 Jan, 2018

Hello again from Nicaragua!  This has now officially been my longest “trip” to Nicaragua as I have been here for 12 weeks. Its been so busy around here I had to make myself stop and write an update! Although there are no major things to report because we still have a little over a week before school officially begins, God has been doing BIG things and I want to share them with you!

As I have reported before, I was prepared to wait months to find individuals in the community who have severe disabilities and need support. I was also emotionally prepared, as much as I could be, for the families of those individuals to be reluctant to allow me into their homes and lives. Well I am so glad that Gods plan is better than my own and I have been able to meet and connect with 5 families in the last 2 months and begin services with their loved ones. These individuals range from the age of 3 up to the age of 26 and all have different but severe needs. These families have had zero resources to help their loved ones and have welcomed me and my very foreign ways (along with my crazy Spanish) into their lives! What a blessing it has been.

I have come to know these 5 families through various ways, friends from church, friends telling friends, and even just in making conversation with people on the street or in town. Another aspect of my life here in Nicaragua has lead to a heavy burden on my heart. I have had the pleasure of getting to begin a discipleship relationship with a young girl in our church, Jennifer (pictured below). At our church, Iglesia Bautista Centro De Vida (Baptist Center of Life Church), as people are saved and become members of our church they go through a series of 12 lessons on discipleship with an older member of the church. I got to go through discipleship with Tamy a few years ago even though I had been saved many years ago (when I was 8 years old to be exact) so that I would have experienced the same thing as other church members.

Anyway, the young girl I am discipline lives in the next town over, Niquinohmo, close to the piece of land Tamy & Oscar own which we call the farm. Once a week for the last few weeks I have taken a moto taxi to Niquinohmo (only about 5 minutes in the moto and it costs me 10 Cordoba’s, the equivalent of 33 cents ) and then I walk to Jennifer’s house which is about another 10 minute walk. One day as I was walking to Jennifers house I passed a family of 4 walking the opposite direction. This family appeared to be a mother and father who was pushing a wagon full of produce and 2 little girls who cant be more than 1-2 years apart in age and one of them has Down’s Syndrome. Today I am kicking myself that I did not have the courage to stop and talk to that family about their daughter and see if they were receiving any help for their daughter or even just ask if she goes to school. Since that day this little girl has been on my heart. I think the family lives close to my friend Jennifer’s house so I am praying that a connection will be formed, and it will be in Gods timing. I am not sure why God has laid this family and little girl so heavily on my heart but I feel that he has a purpose for it. So I am asking that you would be praying for this family and this little girl as well, My prayer is that if it is Gods will to meet them that it would happen. If Gods will in this situation is only to teach me to take action when he puts things literally right in front of my face, then that is the lesson that will resound with me for a long time.

Daily I am doing sessions with clients, preparing materials for the classroom, researching ways to better help kiddos who have no language but their primary language is Spanish and also studying my discipleship and Sunday school lessons. All of these things are good things I know, but I also am so guilty of getting caught up in the things that are unimportant. Such as, having the best visuals or having the prettiest classroom instead of focusing on what each of these things can be to the Kingdom of God if I push for them to be.


I know many of you pray for me and this ministry daily and for that I will forever be grateful . So you can pray more specifically, please pray that I am brought back to the reason for this ministry every single day, every single moment.


As I sat on the dirt floor of this little boys (below, red shirt) house and played, I almost had tears in my eyes with the happiness I felt. This little boy can say about 3 words, and is about 3 years old, but he has the best laugh in the world. As we play for hours with dinosaurs, cars, and puzzles that all came from the dollar store this little boy was so happy. He doesn’t care that his feet are covered in dirt, his house has no windows and his mom cooks on a fire because they don’t have a stove. And in those moments I don’t care either, the happiness this little boy has is contagious and I am so thankful for these moments. I am reminded to just be happy and thankful regardless of what is going on around me.

By pieceofhopenica 22 Nov, 2017

As the week has gone by I will admit it does not feel much like Thanksgiving here. I see everyone’s posts about #SweaterWeather while wearing scarves and boots. Here in Catarina its rainy, humid, and definitely not sweater weather! There is however no lack of fireworks for various Catholic celebrations and end of school parties at the school.

 Nevertheless, we are preparing to have quite a feast here with friends and family which will include many American staples such as the turkey, sweet potatoes, and pecan pie (all pretty difficult things to find here) as well as Nicaraguan fruit salad. I am so excited but there is definitely a weird feeling knowing my Texas family will be celebrating with their traditional ways, minus me. I am sure there will be facetimes involved but its different.

This week as I have continued meeting with teachers at the school, getting to observe kiddos, and learning about needs I have been constantly reminded of what I am thankful for. The last few weeks have brought about thankfulness for things that have not been on my “list” in previous years.

Perspective , I am thankful for the change in perspective I have gained throughout my years in Nicaragua but mostly these last few weeks while becoming a “real Nicaraguan”. My perspective has changed from “helping people in Nicaragua” to “helping those around me”. That may not sound like a big change, but it no longer matters where they live, simply that they need support and love. These kiddos smiles give me goose bumps every time and remind me why I am here. (Picture above)

Hope , This is what I have built the Piece of Hope around but I never knew how much I was going to lean on my hope in Jesus Christ during this transition. I am thankful for the hope that I have in Christ knowing that I am not alone and I am right in the center of Gods plan for my life, even though that is not with my family.

Technology, there are days that go by where I am so busy that I don’t talk to family but then there are those days where I just need to hear that familiar voice and I am so thankful to have the option of phone calls and facetime. I pray that this holiday season you are surrounded by loved ones, regardless of kinship.

One of my favorite verses right now and one that I need constant reminder of:

That light shines in the darkness, yet the darkness did not overcome it. –John 1:5

  Prayer requests: I have several decisions to be making as I plan for the new school year and I pray that they are in line with God’s will and for acceptance for those decisions from those around me.

Thanks for all of your love and prayers-they are definitely felt! 

By pieceofhopenica 11 Nov, 2017

Hello! I have been in Nicaragua 4 full days but it feels like I have been back for months ! I have settled in and jumped right into meeting with families at the school and having meetings with the administration. I have been blown away by the connections God has put in my path for clients and resources in the area.

The first day I was here I found out about a clinic in Managua, the capital city about an hour away, that is doing work with individuals who have Autism! How have I been here so many times and never heard of this?? The only answer I have is that this is when God wanted me to know this! I have attempted to make contact with someone there and am hoping to go visit it soon.

 Also on the first day that I was here I learned of a young lady in the community of Catarina who has never attended school due to having an intellectual disability, undiagnosed of course. I have prayed to make connections like these in the community but I figured it would take weeks or months before this would happen! Wow-just more affirmation that this is where God wants me.

 This week I have also been able to meet with the mothers of 2 students at the school to begin the assessment process with them. I was very nervous before these meetings because I was really not sure how they would react to my offering of support but also the realization that their child needs support. They were extremely open, honest, and thankful-I had to hold back tears as they expressed their gratitude. This was such a blessing.

Due to the lack of knowledge of disabilities, and even slight learning problems, many that I encounter may have never admitted that their loved one needs support. In the states, this is a hard thing for parents to overcome even with the many resources, information from doctors, and support groups available. I ask for your prayers for these families as they travel this path of understating their loved ones abilities and the hope for their future that I hope to share with them.

I feel like this trip I haven’t had to adjust to Nicaraguan culture, it feels natural. The constant honking of trucks, sounding of fireworks, rice & beans for breakfast, walking to work, riding in the back of trucks, it feels normal. On other trips it is hard to not think about the upcoming date of departure even as I arrive, this is definitely different this time. I have no real idea of when I will be leaving, there is excitement in this even though I know a sadness will come.


·    Technology! It is such a blessing to be able to facetime with family and friends even when thousands of miles away.

·    Openness. The families I have already encountered have been so accepting and thankful for what I am here to do. I know God has laid this path in their hearts as in mine.

·    Peace. Since the beginning of this vision that God placed on my heart there has been an overwhelming peace and this has continued throughout the first week back in Nicaragua. There are anxieties that come over small things but I have a complete peace about Gods plan-even though I have no idea what is ahead! I am thankful for this.


·    Families-You may not know them by name, some I do not either yet, but please pray for the families that I am encountering. Please pray for peace in their lives as they begin to cope with their loved ones needs. Pray for strength as I begin to teach them things that are hard to hear.

·    Health-I ask for your prayers for my continued health here in Nicaragua to do what God has put before me.

·    Gods will-I ask that you pray that I am in the center of Gods will, even when that is hard.


This verse has lifted me up this week:

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy & peace so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

Please leave a comment or question-I love hearing from you and want to stay connected! Thank you for all of your support this far and your continued support as God continues to use me in His work .



By pieceofhopenica 18 Oct, 2017

This seems like an easy question to answer but when it is the only piece of information that a person gets, it’s a difficult and important question. And one that I take very seriously. I want to make sure that I portray this ministry correctly and accurately how God has laid it on my heart.

Is this ministry about teaching some precious kids who otherwise may not ever have the opportunity to learn? Yes. But that’s not the ultimate goal here.

The ultimate goal of the Piece of Hope is to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by showing His love through the means of special education services. Through this program I want to build meaningful relationships that are founded on the one thing we all desire, hope. I want to provide families hope by teaching them the only true form of hope comes from knowing Jesus Christ as your personal savior! The avenue I want to provide hope to these families is by showing them how much their loved one is capable of, regardless of their disability.

The mission of Piece of hope goes back to the great commission that Jesus gave to his disciples and all of his followers, Matthew 28:19, “ Go and make disciples ”. As the founder of the Piece of Hope, I know this is the ultimate command God has given me. The really neat part is that God has also given me the passion, knowledge, and skills to help individuals who have special needs as a means to make connections that will grow into relationships that I am able to share the Gospel with.

I am not doing anything with this ministry that others cannot. I am not using any ground-breaking teaching techniques. I am not going to cure any health problems. I am not going to change the world. But I am going to do what God has laid before me , and that is love others and help grow the kingdom of Heaven.

One aspect of this ministry that God has also placed as a heavy burden on my heart is that this is a teaching ministry to other educators. This is not about how many kids I can see during the time God calls me to be in Nicaragua. God may call me to be in Nicaragua for the rest of my life, but he may not-I am still waiting on him to reveal that. But if God calls me somewhere else this ministry need to continue! This is why I am beginning with one teacher right now and training her on everything I have learned and continue to learn! We will be growing this ministry together! I am sure she will teach me so much more than I can imagine about the culture, families perspectives in this country, and ways to better connect with the families. This is an invaluable resource and I am so thankful for God’s hand in this partnership! As the program grows and the need for more teachers arises I hope to be able to train more teacher specifically on special education while also training up in them the love of Christ and the desire to show others His love.

 Thanks for taking time to read, leave a comment and please continue to keep me and this ministry in your prayers.


By pieceofhopenica 29 Sep, 2017

In 2013 , at 20 years old, Paige went on her first international mission trip, Nicaragua, with a group from New Harmony Baptist Church. While there were wonderful moments on the trip, there was no big defining moment when God told Paige she was going to move to Nicaragua. Wouldn’t it be nice if God always gave us big, clear moments showing what his plan was? But Paige did know she loved the people of Nicaragua and couldn’t get it out of her mind or off of her heart.


Paige decided to see what this desire might produce by returning to Nicaragua the next summer for a while longer. After another wonderful 6 weeks in Nicaragua in the summer of 2014 Paige still had no exact calling from God as to why she had fallen in love with a place and country.


But again, she went back for another 6 weeks in the summer of 2015 . This is when she met 4 year old Josúe. In the small amount of time she got to spend with him and his family that summer she quickly learned that God was going to use her knowledge and passion of special education as her ministry in Nicaragua.


Time goes on, during the summer of 2016 Paige got to spend time getting to know and teaching Josúe while building a relationship with his family. This was the time that Paige knew that God had long term plans for her in Nicaragua and she began really praying about and seeking wise council to work through details of what that might look like.


Paige has a passion for children who have disabilities and for sharing the only eternal hope there is, the gospel of Jesus Christ. God has made a way for these two things to collide, Paige gets to use special education as her means of making relationships to share the gospel with-how exciting?! The Piece of hope was born!


Now its 2017 and Paige is headed to Nicaragua soon to begin laying the foundation of the Piece of hope program to begin with the 2018 school year in February! What a ride it has been, and we are excited to see what God has in store for the next few years!


Keep coming back to learn more about the Piece of Hope and what God is doing! Thank you for all of your prayers and support for this endeavor-they are sincerely appreciated!

By pieceofhopenica 29 Sep, 2017
Here we are going to post stories about how God is working and fun things that happen in our ministry to keep you updated! We welcome any questions and comments, keep coming back to see whats new in the Piece of Hope world! 
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By 26 Mar, 2020
The Corona Virus is the main topic in all news, social media and most conversations right now. In Nicaragua we are usually behind the rest of the world by a few weeks and this is the case with COVID-19 as well. March 19, 2020 the first case of the Corona Virus was confirmed in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. We had been talking, praying and trying to plan what our plans of action would be when it did arrive, but now was the time. 

The thing about the Piece of hope is that most view it as a "school" but really its much more than that. It is a ministry, a place of hope, a place of help for many families. It's not something we can simply close for a few weeks, or we wouldn't be fulfilling our mission of reaching these families with the hope of the gospel. 

So what does quarantine look like at the piece of hope? Well, there is no face to face classes or hugs right now but there is no lack of communication, maybe even more now! Its so neat to see how God uses the "bad" for good! 

March 20, 2020 began our first day of all virtual connections which includes sending activities to each group of students based on their needs and goals but also devotionals to their parents from the Word of God. This has shown to be very powerful, parents have been responding so well. 

Students have also shown how much they love their teachers and their classes. In our daily Whatsapp messages (just like group messages) the students love to send audio messages on their parents cells phones saying good morning to their teachers and friends and even requesting to sing our normal beginning of class songs. 

I began doing some live readings of stories so the students could see a familiar face and be entertained with a story for a short while. I didn't know how much it would touch my heart when parents replied with photos and videos of their students laughing, smiling, and repeating words they have never said from the stories! Wow! Those are the things that touch your heart. 

As of today, March 26, the Corona Virus has hit relatively lightly here in Nicaragua but God has worked in huge ways already! We are praying that the virus remains contains but thankful for the opportunities that God has shown us about how to serve him in the unconventional ways. 

We are praying for the rest of the world and please keep us in your prayers as well as we try to reach more families with the Gospel of Jesus everyday. 

Adios, Paige. 
By 04 Sep, 2019
We are so blessed that the Piece of Hope has grown substantially in size in these 2 years and now God has opened a door for us to be able to grow even more! 

We have the opportunity to purchase a piece of land with a house on it that can serve many functions for us. 

The property includes space for classrooms, a kitchen, bathroom,  working water and electrical systems, and safety features including a concrete wall partially around the property as well as large outdoor areas to be able to have recreational activities and things such as a garden to be a able to supply vegetables for a small store.  

Our vision for what this property can provide for the Piece of Hope 

Day program for young adults 

We already have a group of 6 young adults (currently ages 16-27) who need to learn daily living skills, independence, and social skills. Our vision is to have a day program where these students and many more are in a social environment 3-5 days a week with activities including gardening and selling produce to benefit the ministry, learning how to live more independently by cooking and cleaning, learning valuable skills of making and selling things to support their own futures as well as well as continually teaching academics. 

More intensive structured class environment for students who simply don’t “fit” in the public-school system 

The public-school system in Nicaragua does not have a space for those who have severe needs and need one on one attention nor the ability to train professionals to help these students. We currently serve approximately 10 students who are not attending or not benefitting from the public-school system. With this new location, we could provide an intensive 5 day a week school setting for these students and many more with a mixture of small group and individual instruction including social skills and daily living skills. 

Community presence 

This location is in the middle of several communities and has constant foot traffic allowing us to show our communities the possibilities for individuals with special needs. One of the major goals of the Piece of Hope is to change the stigma from seeing those with special needs not having skills or purpose to one that sees these individuals with purpose and the right to have a fulfilled life! We want this location to be open to the community and one way we can do this is to have a store that sells basic needs and produce that our students have helped grow! We will also continue to provide community events to highlight our students and their God given characteristics and hearts. 

The need: $35,000 to purchase the property and minor maintenance.

This is a God sized need and we know only God can provide! If you feel it in your heart to help us achieve this huge goal and see this project become a reality you can click the "donate now" button at the bottom of the page. If you have ideas of how to help us fundraise please reach out by email ( 

By pieceofhopenica 14 May, 2018
In these 6 months we have been able to connect with and begin serving TEN precious families. God has put before us the opportunity to share with large groups of parents about disabilities twice, as well as have 2 awareness events for the entire population of students at the lighthouse Baptist school. We had an event for Down syndrome awareness day as well as Autism awareness day. This was the first time for many of the students to interact with individuals who have disabilities. God has placed several public school teachers and administrators in our path to collaborate with and begin relationships with. God has blown our expectations away with what the first 6 months of this program would be and we are so thankful for you making it happen!
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